
19 October 2008

Why so Sick?

Ever since Ashton recovered from his trauma at 4 months old, he has had a rough time with respiratory illnesses. It seems that with each sniffle and cold there is asthma, pending pneumonia, RSV, Bronchitis, or something else involved! Who contracts upper respiratory illnesses in the summer???? Ashton. We are so blessed to have medicines like Albuterol and antibiotics.

Aside from respiratory issues, this October Ashton contracted hand-foot-mouth disease. It sucks. I learned that this disease can be mild to severe, but if you know my son he always seems to get everything full force! After 2 days of no food or water, with extreme pain and irritability, a trip to Primary Children's for some IV fluids and pain medication seemed to do the trick. My advice to mom's in similar circumstances... Ashton did not seem dehydrated, and was even still urinating, but his labs came back that he was. Do not wait if your mommy-instinct tells you to take action. Sometimes administered fluids make all the difference in the world!