For a while Ashton's breath has been terrible. So terrible that I could smell it 5 feet away. So terrible it would make me and Aaron gag. I finally noticed a white spot on his tonsil, and actually removed some of it. Well, come to find out he was FILLED with tonsilloliths a.k.a. tonsil stones. They are the culprit of this nasty breath. It will last your entire life and the only cure is to have a we did it right away!
The surgery went very well. Post-surgery was pretty rough. When he came out of anesthesia he was extremely violent, thrashing and screaming, ripping out all the tubes. It was very concerning to me, however the nurses assured me that it was very normal in little children. It took 6 nurses and myself to restrain him until they could give him a mild sedative to make him relax and sleep. As far post-surgery healing, it is also rough, but he made it through like a champ! We are so glad we decided to do this!