Not a summer goes by these days without a trip to the Gardener Village petting zoo!...and we all know how Anthany feels about little goats! This year Ashton actually made his way around the "farm", looking at and touching the different animals, a lot different story than the previous year where he sat on one rock the entire time with a look of disgust on his face....
Last Year:
This Year:
For anyone who ever visits a petting zoo, let all learn from my experience. Although there are no pictures to prove what happened, I assure you it did. I, or rather my finger, found out very quickly why they imprison chickens in chicken coupes. Do not stick your finger, or any other body part, through the holes of the chicken coupe! They do bite and bite HARD! The kids continuously reminded me the rest of our stay that we don't put our fingers in the coupe where those birds bite. Yes, I know.
The miniature pony rides are the best! The boys were a little hesitant at first, but they thought that they could handle the smallest pony. Ashton would have tried, but I'd have needed a second set of hands to maneuver that one! So he watched and cheered the other boys on! What fun we have!