
26 December 2008

'Tis the Season for Tradition

Each year we start the Christmas season off by preparing our home for the holidays, no sooner (or later) than the day after Thanksgiving. One part of this ritual is setting up the LGB train set that was given to Ashton on the year he was born. We started a new tradition this year...watching "The Polar Express" as we create a little boy's toy-train dream! Tradition is a enormous part of the holidays, and being a mother who has come from a family of tradition, it is crucial that such methods be passed on...as well as new ones!

It is also no urban legend that one year, while watching the movie "Elf" at home, I caught on to the Elf-ish spirit and created many snowflakes by hand. Then, after IRONING each one and sprinkling them with magic snow glitter, I hung them all throughout my home. This is something special to me that makes the holidays at our home ever since.

The next best tradition that I will never give up, by promise to the matriarch of our Lodder family, is our Christmas Eve Lodder Family Christmas Party. This promise is not so easily kept once married and in-laws to appease, but since the day I was adopted into this family I have missed but only 2 of these celebrations. My absence was excused, however, for #1- being sick with bronchitis and strep throat, and #2- having a baby the same week as Christmas...which was certainly no excuse to stay away, but I did.

At our family party, we dine on our grandpa's home-cooked prime rib dinner, visit with family from both local and out of town, share stories of the happenings of our lives, entertain one another with our talents..."the Lodder talent (or lack there of) show", and exchange and open gifts.

I have heard and know of many people who share a similar tradition, but I have always liked to believe that during this one night only we participate in such things that other people only dream about! I am THAT lucky!

Following our Christmas Eve party, the festivities continue at my parent's home where we receive our long-awaited Christmas pajamas! I just KNOW that we are the only ones to do this as well! Watching a holiday movie before retiring to bed is something also included in this night.

Shortly after this photo was taken, Ashton noticed that Emma's sweater from grandma had a hood attached to it... We immediately had to locate some sort of "hood" for him to not be so as upset that his did not.

No...as cute as it seems...they did not get to spend the night and Christmas morning together. Emma and her parents went home, while Ashton and I stayed the night to spend ALL of Christmas with Nanny, Poppy, G, Chase and Buddy!

Who doesn't have vivid memories of themselves WAITING to open presents after seeing them and then being told to wait??? Why wait? Pictures are good, but why should one have to pose or wait any amount of time before tearing into those nicely wrapped gifts?

My priceless moment...there are no words.

Following the exciting eventful morning, we finish Christmas day with yet another gathering. This time those included are from the Van Tassell family. We spend the time with more food, more conversation, exchanging more gifts, playing with our toys, and this year a new tradition of decorating sugar cookies! We love spending the holidays with our family...traditions would cease to exist with out the ones we love.